What’s New in Ultrasonics? Exploring Piezoelectric Technology
Presenter: Colleen Rutledge, RDH
Release Date: 1/10/12
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 1/10/28
AGD Subject Code: 490
Reviewed: 2025
Ever wonder what “the Piezo” is all about? What makes it so different from “the Cavitron”? This CE webinar is designed to examine the unique capabilities of piezoelectric ultrasonics and the role micro-ultrasonic tips play in contemporary periodontal therapeutics. Discussion of the rationale of hand scaling versus power scaling will also be explored. Helpful aids for periodontal therapy will be addressed, including aerosol reduction, irrigation, and periodontal gels. Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will be able to: identify the unique capabilities of piezoelectric ultrasonics and the role micro-ultrasonic tips play in contemporary periodontal therapeutics; understand the rationale of hand scaling versus power scaling; implement the helpful aids for periodontal therapy
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